Friday, March 18, 2011

All American C. S.

Was there a full moon this week? I am not sure whether the moon or its phases ever has any real pull into relationships and how your mind works but I would bet there was a full moon or a new moon this week. I swore that there was a beast in my house that turns at the moon and hungers for some innocent (me) victim to satisfy his urges. If I had a tree in my back yard, other than a pine tree, I would take the branches off and use it to beat him off of me. I guess that guys have a cycle too. I am documenting this and seeing if it holds true next month.

Week 11

Day 64
My husband is obsessed with the lollipop lick. He seriously has been a little too enthusiastic about it and I know when he is thinking about it because he gets this crazy grin and just looks at me and sighs and nods his head like "oh yeah". Occasionally he passes me by and whispers "lollipop" with a pathetic begging face. When I asked what he and the kids wanted for dinner he replied, "Lollipops!" and of the course the kids were all like "LOLIPOP? REALLY?" *Disgusted sigh followed by head shaking* "No, we will NOT be having Lollipops for dinner *evil glance at my husband* we will be eating something nutritious and healthy!" To which my husband then says, "Well, we can have tube-steak smothered in underwear then!" *UGH!* Ok, so I have to giggle at that one but I hope to god that they never repeat that in public. Later, of course, I gave him what he begged for and he was happy. I should only reserve this for one week a month but this secret weapon could be a bad thing.

Day 65
Today is a seriously boring day. Kids are still sick but so stir crazy that they are getting on my nerves! Of course, I can't take them anywhere being sick but I had a hard time thinking of ways to keep them occupied. Also, Mr. Penis is also acting up and making my husband go nuts with this darn licking thing! It's actually quite comical that that little "technique" (who a gay man told me to try) is having such an influence. I am so never listening to a gay man again because I don't want to be getting it on ALL day. I just thought once a day would be enough but I had to try something new and then I find myself in an abyss of self-loathing for even bringing up this NYE thing. But I guess it could be the opposite and I should be happy that my guy wants it so bad from me, at least he won't ever stray with "guns" like this. *points to tongue and crotch*

Day 66
I must have a sticker on my head that says "all American cock sucker" because this is all this man wants! What the fuck! Can't we just fuck and get it over with. My mouth is not in the mood and there is a hole down yonder that is way more perfect for the job. I mean, it doesn't gag or nothing when it goes in all the way. But I actually did get it my way and it was soooo nice. J

Day 67
Smelly hockey guys…actually a turn on. Huh…. I hate when he has to work or play late but man is it nice when he comes home and the kids are asleep and the time is all ours.

Day 68
From the minute my handsome face got home he was all grabby grabby, trying to pull me into the bedroom and get my hand so he could show me how, uh, eager he was to have some fun tonight. When the kids weren't around I have him a little tease and got on my knees for a moment. I honestly couldn't wait for the kids to go to sleep too! Once they were in bed we got right to business and it wasn't just once, no, it was 3 time!!!! I was completely surprised and somewhat suspicious at his desire because usually it's once and good night. Later he confided in me that while he was at work and talking to other men about their wives, he realized that he really is lucky. Awww….that's right biach. Ha ha

Day 69
I was so busy all day cleaning and playing with the kids and did not have time to talk to my babe at work. When he came home, Mr. grump face told me that his day wasn't so good. Since its St. Patrick's day and he is Irish, I let the luck be in his favor and gave him what he loves the most to cheer him up. It was really unexpected to him, I could tell, but I am certain that it made all the poopy things about work go away instantly.

Day 70
Me: "Good Morning hunny"
Hubby: "come on gurl, I just want to get some stank for dis hang-low" *pointing to his Johnson* I love this Man. Ha!


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