Friday, January 28, 2011

No poo poo for Bo Bo

So many times in relationships you will question its integrity by the act of fighting with one another. Fighting is actually a human instinct and to prove your ideals are important, right and the way to go. A scoff is the way that it comes out and usually the way it ends is one person being mad at the other. If you are a woman, this typically means that you will issue the silent treatment for a said amount of time, spite the other person by refusing his needs and give evil glances from time to time…oh, and with your hands folded. For males, this usually means that you punch a wall, a pillow or call a name and then completely forgot the incident took place, go on believing that you are right and later understand that you must say sorry to the person giving you the silent treatment before you can get some sex again. No one won and no problem was solved. In relationships the 3 main fights are about money, sex and kids….In my relationship, the fights are about time; time for each other and time for being individuals. With crazy work/school schedules how are you supposed to have time to do what you need to do to become a whole person? How are you supposed to be good to others when you can't even do the things that you need to do to be good to yourself? Desperately we come up with sand as it runs through our fingers and in the frustration; we lash out on the closest people around us –Our Spouses, kids and whoever else is close. This is perfectly natural but as I have said before, balance is so important. Allowing each other to breathe once in a while is a good thing to keep in mind.
Week 4

Day 22
Oye, this week did not start off well. Overall I felt stressed and I really needed some time to myself that never came out. The Mr. got to go out 2 nights this week and I pretty much did what I always do…take care of the kiddies. And that really isn't a bad thing because I really do have some amazing children and thank goodness for them all the time. Women really need that time away because it's just like working a 24 hour job 7 days a week. The fight began because I got a little bitchy because frankly, I wanted what I wanted. Later on when time had softened us we dimed the lights, put some candles on and started going at it but it did not last long. Who the hell fights in the middle of sex? I do! Lol Seriously, I threw off the covers and got all huffy on my way to the bathroom. He was like "wtf"?!?! "I really just want to be left alone", I say. Really, I had just been thinking that he gets his way all the time and now he gets his way AGAIN by getting some action and for some reason it made me a little bitter. So technically even though there was some action…it was like a big pause button had been pushed.

Day 23
It's a much better atmosphere in the morning and after finally expressing my true thoughts and why I was mad, he understood and actually apologized. I apologized for my behavior as well and the rest of the day went pretty well. The morning especially went well as we diverted the kids to play in their rooms while we had a makeup quickie in our room. The rest of the day went to shit as he left to watch some football and I got to do what I normally do every day of my friken life….Bastard…

Day 24
Ok, so in my little Kama Sutra fascination I have realized that some of the positions are downright UN-achievable and only stick thin people who eat kale all the time might, JUST might manage them, leading to my belief that big booty girls need to write their own version of the damn thing. Look, Kim Kardashian once told me "nice ass…" Over the years, while it has gotten larger (but still cute) admiration of my booty has always been a source of seduction when it came to my man. Put on some black thongs, walk around in front of him, bend over…instant stiff one. Now it is a source of disappointment in my opinion because some of these positions are a struggle because let's just say that my rear flotation devices act as a blocker for the big freighter that is trying to come into the harbor.

Day 25
By the time my hubby got home I was so tired, I was ready to get it on and go to sleep. (I think I see a trend week to week with this statement) Anyway so right away we jump on the bed and commence to stuff… But I kept smelling this odd odor that I could not place or locate and just played it off like "well, tonight was hockey night…maybe he didn't wash his pads and shirts from last time – hockey players equipment are notoriously raunchy- whatever…so he is a stinky guy, who am I to judge" Meanwhile, I have not shaved my legs in two days and my hair is starting to cause friction inside my pant leg to my pajama bottoms. So anyway, we are going at it and finally I am just downright grossed out and sit up, ask him if he smells what I smell and he says, "Yes! I thought it was you?!!?!" Like seriously? "You thought it was ME????" I argue. "Whatever let's just get back to where we were and try to forget about it", he continues. Ok, let's do it. So again, I cannot stand the smell and finally lean into the nape of his neck and into the pillow where I find a stinky, rotten, nasty-shmasty dirty DIAPER that I had changed earlier on the fly in my bedroom right in my NOSE. UGGGHHHHHH NAST. No more changing the baby on the bed.

Day 26
So among other things, he is feeling frisky tonight. We enjoy a sexy hot tub outside in freeeezing temperatures and then re-warm up in the bedroom. Wink Wink. After all, how can I deny the man since it was my idea for all of this to begin with and who can blame him – he's just trying to get some stank for his "hang-low"!? Whata guy!

Day 27
Late nights are the pits especially when you are horney and feeling better! I have had this odd, "feel like poop" feeling lately and quite frankly I was ready to get on some speed. I really think that what the kids had, I ended up getting but in a different form. I just wanted to sleep and had headaches for a few days. So tonight I felt really powerful, wore some sexy new lingerie and even gave him a lap dance and I am so glad that I didn't fall or make myself look like an idiot! It's interesting of how confident I feel and I am so glad he is digging it.

Day 28
As you probably know by now, we start our day right at the end of the week with morning breath and crazy hair-a-blazin! Happy Friday, Darlin'.
Tonight, I will finally get to go out with some friends. This has not happened for months and months and I am so happy! I could care less where I go just as long as I get to go. However, when I get home he better look out because I am raping his ass (not his ass literally…ew).

What have I learned this week? Well for starters, my confidence has begun to rise again. Also, being able to speak to each other about needs is important and something that I am used to blowing off in all directions but something has changed and it's something that I am not sure if would had taken place if this whole NYE resolution did not come into fruition. Indeed think that it's changing us for the better on many levels.


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